2023 December 29

Writing a simple XR Hands subsystem

I was trying to provide the data from a custom motion capture pipeline through the Unity XR Hands Subsystem API. Naturally, the documentation on this is not the best.


I had finally gotten around to rewriting the HPUI package to use the XR Hands package. Since most vision-based hand tracking is still somewhat lacking in terms of the fidelity required for studying HPUI, we use the Vicon motion capture system to do the hand tracking. The motion capture system itself is not very good when trying to solve the skeleton of the hands (or I haven’t figured out how to do it properly). But, it is very good at tracking the location of markers. So I wrote a separate pipeline to get the marker data and solve the skeleton in Unity. In the old implementation of HPUI, I had a very crude system that does what the Unity XR Hands package does. i.e., it allowed me to use it with any package that would be driving a hand model in Unity. This part was built around using the data from the vicon. Hence setting up HPUI for a new hand-tracking solution was - not fun. Plus, the Vicon data pipeline and the HPUI package were how I learned to do programming for Unity. So it goes without saying - it’s all one big hot mess. Which is what prompted the HPUI rewrite. But that also means making the Vicon pipeline work with Unity XR Hands. I need to de-spaghettify the Vicon pipeline at some point. For now I am only adding the XR Hands subsystem. But I expect the XR Hands Subsystem as I am describing here to remain mostly the same.

The subsystem implementation

Following the documentation of how to write a provider is not too hard. Implement XRHandSubsystemProvider, extend XRHandSubsystem (which can be an empty class) and a static method that would register the subsystem (see a full minimal example at the end). One thing to keep in mind here is that the poses are expected to be relative to the XROrigin. The part that I didn’t fully understand and isn’t documented properly is how to have the subsystem I register start and do its thing. Turns out there is a Utility class that can be used to start and stop the custom subsystem - XRHandProviderUtility.SubsystemUpdater. As far as I have understood, there are two ways of going about this. One is to have it start and stop from within a Unity XR Loader or have it manually trigger somewhere within the scene. While it’s tempting to learn how to implement an XR Loader, in the interest of not adding more tangents to my work, I opted for the latter option.

XRHandsSubsystem extends SubsystemWithProvider, which has the methods OnStart, OnStop and OnDestroy which can be extended. These methods also respectively call the provider’s Start, Stop and Destroy methods. The SubsystemUpdater also has similar a Start, Stop and Destroy method. So what I ended up doing is having the SubsystemUpdateds methods called in the respective methods of the XRHandsSubsystem.

Following is a very simple implementation of the subsystem and provider. The Vicon data pipeline calls MyHandSubsystem.SetHandPoses to feed the data to the subsystem.

The provider

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.Hands;

namespace MyCustomXRHandsProvider
    public class MyHandProvider : XRHandSubsystemProvider
        private Dictionary<Handedness, Dictionary<XRHandJointID, Pose>> handsPoses = new Dictionary<Handedness, Dictionary<XRHandJointID, Pose>>();

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Destroy()

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void GetHandLayout(NativeArray<bool> handJointsInLayout)
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.Palm.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.Wrist.ToIndex()] = true;

            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.ThumbMetacarpal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.ThumbProximal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.ThumbDistal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.ThumbTip.ToIndex()] = true;

            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.IndexMetacarpal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.IndexProximal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.IndexIntermediate.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.IndexDistal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.IndexTip.ToIndex()] = true;

            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.MiddleMetacarpal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.MiddleProximal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.MiddleIntermediate.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.MiddleDistal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.MiddleTip.ToIndex()] = true;

            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.RingMetacarpal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.RingProximal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.RingIntermediate.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.RingDistal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.RingTip.ToIndex()] = true;

            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.LittleMetacarpal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.LittleProximal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.LittleIntermediate.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.LittleDistal.ToIndex()] = true;
            handJointsInLayout[XRHandJointID.LittleTip.ToIndex()] = true;

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Start()

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Stop()

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags TryUpdateHands(XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType updateType,
                                                                          ref Pose leftHandRootPose,
                                                                          NativeArray<XRHandJoint> leftHandJoints,
                                                                          ref Pose rightHandRootPose,
                                                                          NativeArray<XRHandJoint> rightHandJoints)
            if (handsPoses.Count == 0)
                return XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.None;

            XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags successFlags = XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.None;
            if (handsPoses.ContainsKey(Handedness.Left) && UpdateJointData(Handedness.Left, leftHandJoints, ref leftHandRootPose))
                successFlags |= XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.LeftHandRootPose | XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.LeftHandJoints;

            if (handsPoses.ContainsKey(Handedness.Right) && UpdateJointData(Handedness.Right, rightHandJoints, ref rightHandRootPose))
                successFlags |= XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.RightHandRootPose | XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.RightHandJoints;

            return successFlags;

        /// <summary>
        /// Update the poses of the joints.
        /// </summary>
        internal void SetHandPoses(Handedness handedness, Dictionary<XRHandJointID, Pose> poses)
            this.handsPoses[handedness] = poses;

        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the handJoints array.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool UpdateJointData(Handedness handedness, NativeArray<XRHandJoint> handJoints, ref Pose handRootPose)
            if (!handsPoses.ContainsKey(handedness))
                return false;

            var handPoseCache = handsPoses[handedness];

            for (int jointIndex = XRHandJointID.BeginMarker.ToIndex(); jointIndex < XRHandJointID.EndMarker.ToIndex(); ++jointIndex)
                XRHandJointID jointID = XRHandJointIDUtility.FromIndex(jointIndex);

                Pose pose = handPoseCache[jointID];

                handJoints[jointIndex] = XRHandProviderUtility.CreateJoint(handedness, XRHandJointTrackingState.Pose, jointID, pose);

            handRootPose = handPoseCache[XRHandJointID.Wrist];
            return true;

The subsystem

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.Hands;
using UnityEngine.XR.Hands.ProviderImplementation;

namespace MyCustomXRHandsProvider
    public class MyHandSubsystem: XRHandSubsystem
        internal static string id = "my-hands-subsystem";

        public static ViconHandSubsystem subsystem;

        private ViconHandProvider handsProvider => provider as ViconHandProvider;
        private XRHandProviderUtility.SubsystemUpdater subsystemUpdater;

        // This method registers the subsystem descriptor with the SubsystemManager
        static void RegisterDescriptor()
            var handsSubsystemCinfo = new XRHandSubsystemDescriptor.Cinfo
                id = id,
                providerType = typeof(ViconHandProvider),
                subsystemTypeOverride = typeof(ViconHandSubsystem)

        /// <summary>
        /// Initilize the hand subsystem
        /// </summary>
        public static void MaybeInitializeHandSubsystem()
            if (subsystem == null && true) // TODO: Get from scriptable object if we want hand subsystem
                // I want to disbale other XR Hand Subsystems
                    List<XRHandSubsystem> currentHandSubsystems = new List<XRHandSubsystem>();
                    foreach (XRHandSubsystem handSubsystem in currentHandSubsystems)
                        if (handSubsystem.running)

                List<XRHandSubsystemDescriptor> descriptors = new List<XRHandSubsystemDescriptor>();
                for (var i = 0; i < descriptors.Count; ++i)
                    var descriptor = descriptors[i];
                    if (descriptor.id == id)
                        subsystem = descriptor.Create() as ViconHandSubsystem;

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the hand poses to provide through the subsystem.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetHandPoses(Handedness handedness, Dictionary<XRHandJointID, Pose> poses)
            handsProvider.SetHandPoses(handedness, poses);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void OnStart()
            if (subsystemUpdater == null)
                subsystemUpdater = new XRHandProviderUtility.SubsystemUpdater(ViconHandSubsystem.subsystem);


        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void OnStop()

        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void OnDestroy()
            subsystemUpdater = null;
© 2023 Shariff Faleel